Let Your Reading Journey Glow

Introducing Our Vibrant Community of Book Lovers

The Importance of Reading 

Regular reading isn’t just enjoyable and enhances your imagination and knowledge; it has so many benefits to your health and wellbeing. It makes the body slow down enabling relaxation, reducing stress and improving sleep. It takes you away from your phone and social media which is the centre of today’s world, which in itself is a massive benefit. It can also help with socialism and connectivity – how many times have you had a conversation or discussion with someone about something you have read? In addition, helping with that feeling of loneliness and low mood.

I know first-hand how tough it is to live with poor mental health. I have suffered with health anxiety for many years; I know how hard it is to escape the ongoing challenges of intrusive thoughts, panic attacks and negativity to name a few. It can feel lonely, exhausting and demoralising. Alongside medication and therapy the main remedy truly is to focus your mind and body on the importance of wellbeing. To practise self-care, self-love and to change your mindset. Reading is a huge part of this and one of the main wellbeing practices contributing to positive mental health. 

Introducing Glow: The Wellbeing Book Club

For so long I have wanted to start a community focusing on women’s wellbeing with the centre of it being my true love – books, to share all the benefits of reading BUT with so much more and for it not just to be another typical online book club. A few months ago I came across the co-founders of This is the Tonic and their community, The Retreat. A space for women to make connections, find support and prioritise wellbeing, all the stars aligned and I finally got the support to bring my project to life. So I’m extremely excited and proud to introduce Glow: The Wellbeing Book Club.

Glow Logo

Glow will delve into books based on women’s wellbeing topics and provide a space filled with everything to help women grow and GLOW and become the best versions of themselves with the main focus being simply to encourage reading as a wellbeing practice.

The Features of GLOW

So you want to know more? This is only the start of the journey but for now expect;

  • Spotlight on Wellbeing Topics: Explore various aspects of wellbeing and accompanying literature.

  • Fiction 'Book of the Month': Engage in online meetups to discuss our thoughts and takeaways.

  • Guest posts, interviews, and chats with wellbeing experts, self-care proponents, and bibliophiles.

  • Book recommendations and reviews.

  • Resources: Access lists, printables, and more.

  • Challenges: Connect with others and push yourself through exciting challenges.

Getting to know Your Book Club Host

Hi! I’m Nicole; I live in the Essex countryside with my husband & 2 children. I’m very much an introvert and love nothing more than being at home. Since I was a little girl I’ve always been a passionate reader.  I love browsing a good bookstore, perusing the shelves in the local library & scrolling Instagram for the latest book recommendation or review with a home full of bursting bookcases. There is truly nothing better to me than curling up under a blanket or in bed with a cup of tea and a good book. Taking yourself away from the daily hustle and bustle and immersing yourself into a world full of diverse characters, individual’s experiences, unforgettable stories and life changing topics; Escaping, learning, discovering and living the lives and worlds held between the pages. Books can truly teach you about everything and anything, whether they are fiction or nonfiction, years old or brand new they are all filled with knowledge.

You can find and connect with us over on Instagram and I can’t wait to connect with you in The Retreat - get ready to Glow!


The Power of Gratitude


Quarterly Progress Review